This edition of the MDTF Annual Report provides a comprehensive look at the progress and achievements of the fund under the three windows on (a) jobs lending at scale; (b) measurement agenda; and (c) influence through partnership and innovation. Under window 1, the report provides a summary of achievements by various country focused grants on improving the technical quality of WBG operations to maximize jobs outcomes. Under Window 2, the report presents improvements in data on labor mobility and territorial development policies focused on understanding the connections between climate-related shocks, economic mobility, and migration flows as an adaptation strategy. Under Window 3, the report summarizes the activities of Jobs After COVID grants, which aim to accelerate responses to job challenges in a post-pandemic context on a range of themes including gender, the private sector, green jobs, and digital development.

Annual Report

Migrants, Markets, and Mayors: Rising above the Employment Challenge in Africa’s Secondary Cities

The report draws on demographic data, research literature, key informant interviews, and empirical research to better understand how migrants in Africa’s secondary cities fare in urban labor markets, how they affect aggregate urban productivity, and how mayors can leverage migrants’ potential to the benefit of all. The report reviews policy options that mayors can take to strengthen the financial, technical, and planning capacity of secondary cities and better leverage migration to benefit migrants and nonmigrants alike.

Recently Published

Recently Published

Working Without Borders: The Promise and Peril of Online Gig Work

Job creation is the surest pathway out of poverty. That’s why countries are eager to create more and quality jobs, especially for those most in need. Online gig work is an emerging force in the job market, especially in developing countries.  The Jobs Group and S4YE launched a new report that highlights risks, challenges and the enormous potential of this type of work, especially for developing countries, and marginalized groups like women, youth, and people living in rural areas.

Green Jobs and Just Transition

Workers who are vulnerable to climate shocks are experiencing productivity & income losses, highlighting the need for greener economies and greener jobs.

Ensuring a just jobs transition away from coal is critical to securing a clean energy future with better, more sustainable livelihoods.

Learn more about Green Jobs

Learn more about Just Jobs Transition

Mobilizing Development Lending to Create More and Better Jobs Blog Series

To support the integration of jobs into development lending, the Jobs Umbrella Multi-Donor Trust Fund (Jobs MDTF) launched in 2019 the Supporting Effective Jobs Lending at Scale (SEJLS) program. SEJLS builds on large scale WBG lending operations improving the consistency of jobs-relevant components and estimation of jobs outcomes.

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WEBINAR: Global Perspective on Coal Jobs & Managing Labor Transition out of Coal

Coal remains a major part of economies and communities, and thus, transitioning away from it presents many challenges. This webinar will present the main findings of this new global report which:

  • Takes stock of progress in coal phase-out around the world
  • Identifies reasons why some countries are scaling up coal mining while others are scaling back
  • Provides in-depth analysis of the role of coal jobs in local and national labor markets in Indonesia, South Africa, and India


Recently Published

Jobs Undone: Reshaping the Role of Governments Toward Markets and Workers in MENA

The report presents new evidence on the labor market, examines the key challenges facing private sector development that is crucial for job creation, and offers policy recommendations for how MENA governments can overcome continuing labor market stagnation.

The report uses two rounds of World Bank Enterprise Surveys (WBES) and data on key features of product market regulations available for the first time for the MENA region. The report also includes case studies of seven young entrepreneurs to present a new perspective on the challenges facing private sector development that is crucial for job creation.


Jobs and Structural Change Blog Series

This blog series presents and deepens key global findings from the Jobs Group of the World Bank on Jobs and Structural Change in the context of Jobs Diagnostics.
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Jobs Diagnostics: Data, Tools and Guidance

This resource contains disaggregated and comparable global jobs indicators for all countries for which the World Bank has standardized labor variables from household surveys. It also includes the latest data tools and guidelines produced by the World Bank’s Jobs Group for country Jobs Diagnostics and our latest reports and standardized outputs.

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Jobs Diagnostics and Solutions Practitioners Network

The Jobs Diagnostics and Solutions Practitioners Network is a knowledge sharing and learning platform for officials, development practitioners, researchers, and World Bank Group staff involved in developing cross-sector jobs strategies for countries, regions, and municipalities.

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The Global Jobs Indicators Database (JoIn) presents – for 150 countries- more than 60 of the standardized labor supply indicators which are most commonly used in country Jobs Diagnostics.

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Knowledge & Resources

Jobs Group Publications

Jobs Group publications are segmented into four products: Jobs Series, Jobs Notes, Jobs Working Papers, and Jobs Guides. These publications feature the World Bank’s latest work on jobs and economic transformation, including analytical country-focused reports, lessons learned from Bank operations and research, and practical toolkits and guidelines for development professionals working on jobs projects.
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Jobs Guides contain practical toolkits and guidelines for project managers, economists, researchers, and other development professionals working on jobs projects. They aim to provide action-oriented guidance for practitioners or policymakers to apply to their work.

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Jobs and Economic Transformation in the face of COVID-19

Jobs can provide critical support to people and economies during a global pandemic. Yet in the world’s poorest countries— served by the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA)—the need for jobs was high even before COVID-19. Around 20 million jobs needed to be created each year for the next decade, just to keep pace with youth entering the labor market.

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Latest News


This jobs reading list highlights the growing literature on the causal channels of COVID-19 impacts in labor markets.

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