Support to Operations

The Jobs MDTF contributes to better jobs outcomes in developing countries by leveraging large-scale operations. It supports operational design and implementation to ensure that investments, across sectors, maximize the benefits they can potentially generate in terms of job creation, job quality and inclusiveness.

Supported Projects


Project: Albania Gender Equality in Access to Economic Opportunities DPF
The Program Development Objectives are to support the Government of Albania’s efforts to enhance the policy framework for gender equ ality in access to economic opportunities, with a focus on (i) improving women’s access to assets; (ii) leveling the playing field t o enhance labor market opportunities for women; and (iii) strengthening institutional arrangements for gender-informed policy making .

Sector: Poverty

Development Objective: More economic opportunities for women through improved access to assets, labor market opportunities, and institutional capacity for gender-informed policies.

Jobs MDTF Support: Identification of best practices to address inclusion and equity through policy lending, and guidance on replication of similar operations in other countries.

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Project: Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project

The Project Development Objective is to improve protected areas management, and to promote ecotourism opportunities and non-timber f orest product value chains in the Cardamom Mountains-Tonle Sap landscape.

Sector: Environment & Natural Resources

Development Objective: Improved protected areas management and economic opportunities in ecotourism and non-timber forest product value chains.

Jobs MDTF Support: Identification of policy reforms to create green jobs in conservation-compatible value chains and potential investments to support job generation in the ecotourism sector.

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Project: Upper Egypt Local Development PforRThe project development objective is to improve the business environment for private sector development and strengthen local governm ent capacity for quality infrastructure and service delivery in select governorates in Upper Egypt.

Sector: Urban, Resilience and Land

Development Objective: Better business environment and stronger local government capacity for infrastructure and service delivery.

Jobs MDTF Support: Mapping jobs across governorates and districts, assessment of potential causes of weak economic agglomeration, and advice economic productivity enhancement.


Project: Financial Inclusion and Entrepreneurship Scaling ProjectThe Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase access to financial services, promote entrepreneurship and capabilities of MS MEs in Malawi including addressing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) implications.

Sector: Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation

Development Objective: Expanded access to financial services and improved entrepreneurship and capabilities of micro, small, and medium enterprises.

Jobs MDTF Support: Measurement of direct and indirect jobs and corresponding training materials for jobs impact assessment in business plans.


Project: Agricultural Employment Support for Refugees and Turkish Citizens through Enhanced Market LinkagesTo improve the conditions for formal agricultural employment opportunities in selected host communities.

Sector: Social Protection and Jobs

Development Objective: Better conditions for agricultural employment for refugees in host communities.

Jobs MDTF Support: Identification of supply-side and demand-side barriers to formal employment for refugees and development of an algorithm matching worker to jobs.

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Project: Livestock Sector Development ProjectThe Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve livestock productivity and access to market in selected regions.

Sector: Agriculture

Development Objective: Expanded market access and improved productivity among livestock farmers.

Jobs MDTF Support: Development of a new methodology measuring job effects, assessment of the quantity and quality of jobs generated by the project, and demonstration of livestock sector’s employment promise.

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Project: Bangladesh Environmental Sustainability and Transformation ProjectTo strengthen the capacity of the Government of Bangladesh in environmental management and to pilot new financing mechanisms to prom ote green investments in targeted sectors.

Sector: Environment & Natural Resources

Development Objective: Improved capacity in environmental management and financing mechanisms to promote green investments.

Jobs MDTF Support: Scale up clean production technologies that can lessen Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) problems and transform informal jobs to formal jobs.

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Project: Bangladesh Private Investment & Digital Entrepreneurship ProjectTo promote private investment, job creation, and environmental sustainability in participating economic zones and software technology parks in Bangladesh.

Sector: Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation

Development Objective: Increase private investment, job creation, and environmental sustainability through special economic zones and software technology parks.

Jobs MDTF Support: Assessment of the zones’ jobs potential, identification of critical jobs challenges, and alignment of intervention design with its job-centric objectives.

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Project: AGP2 – Additional Financing (P168074) /Parent: Second Agricultural Growth ProjectThe Project Development Objective is to increase agricultural productivity and commercialization of small holder farmers targeted by the project.

Sector: Agriculture

Development Objective: Higher agricultural productivity and commercialization rates among smallholder farmers.

Jobs MDTF Support: Assessment of the quantum and quality of jobs created by the project, particularly the number of direct jobs created through project activities.

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Project: Integrated Growth Poles and Corridor Project 2 (Series of Projects)The development objective is to contribute to the sustainable growth of the tourism and agribusiness sectors by enhancing access to enabling infrastructure and services in Target Regions, and to provide immediate and effective response to an eligible crisis or emergency.

Sector: Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation

Development Objective: Inclusive growth of the tourism and agribusiness sectors through better enabling infrastructure and services.

Jobs MDTF Support: Technical assistance to analyze methods measuring job creation, propose recommendations to improve the measurement of job creation and job quality, and provide capacity building for implementing recommendations.

South Sudan

Project: South Sudan Resilient Agricultural Livelihoods ProjectThe project development objective is to strengthen capacity of farmers and their organizations and improve agricultural production.

Sector: Agriculture

Development Objective: Strengthened capacity of farmers and their organizations, and improved agricultural productivity.

Jobs MDTF Support: Functional study on upstream and downstream job creation in agri-food value chain.


Project: Rural Economy Development ProjectProject Development Objective is to improve the sources of livelihood for local populations in GBAO and Khatlon through tourism and agribusiness.

Sector: Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation

Development Objective: Improved sources of livelihood through tourism and agribusiness development.

Jobs MDTF Support: Analysis of job opportunities in agribusiness and tourism value chains and design of the Rural Economy Development Project that improves the livelihoods of the local population.

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SEJLS Lessons Learned Note

Summary: The SEJLS pilot has generated significant knowledge on job-related interventions, highlighting the importance of policy coherence, context-specific solutions, evolving job policies, balancing short- and long-term strategies, and inclusive approaches. This note distills key lessons from the SEJLS pilot to inform future project design, implementation, and measurement, with the goal of maximizing project jobs impact.


Project: AGP2 – Additional Financing (P168074) /Parent: Second Agricultural Growth ProjectThe Project Development Objective is to increase agricultural productivity and commercialization of small holder farmers targeted by the project.

Country: Ethiopia

Development Objective: Higher agricultural productivity and commercialization rates among smallholder farmers.

Jobs MDTF Support: Assessment of the quantum and quality of jobs created by the project, particularly the number of direct jobs created through project activities.


Project: Livestock Sector Development ProjectThe Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve livestock productivity and access to market in selected regions.

Country: Uzbekistan

Development Objective: Expanded market access and improved productivity among livestock farmers.

Jobs MDTF Support: Development of a new methodology measuring job effects, assessment of the quantity and quality of jobs generated by the project, and demonstration of livestock sector’s employment promise.

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Project: South Sudan Resilient Agricultural Livelihoods ProjectThe project development objective is to strengthen capacity of farmers and their organizations and improve agricultural production.

Country: South Sudan

Development Objective: Strengthened capacity of farmers and their organizations, and improved agricultural productivity.

Jobs MDTF Support: Functional study on upstream and downstream job creation in agri-food value chain.

Finance,Competitiveness & Innovation

Project: Bangladesh Private Investment & Digital Entrepreneurship ProjectTo promote private investment, job creation, and environmental sustainability in participating economic zones and software technology parks in Bangladesh.

Country: Bangladesh

Development Objective: Increase private investment, job creation, and environmental sustainability through special economic zones and software technology parks.

Jobs MDTF Support: Assessment of the zones’ jobs potential, identification of critical jobs challenges, and alignment of intervention design with its job-centric objectives.

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Project: Integrated Growth Poles and Corridor Project 2 (Series of Projects)The development objective is to contribute to the sustainable growth of the tourism and agribusiness sectors by enhancing access to enabling infrastructure and services in Target Regions, and to provide immediate and effective response to an eligible crisis or emergency.

Country: Madagascar

Development Objective: Inclusive growth of the tourism and agribusiness sectors through better enabling infrastructure and services.

Jobs MDTF Support: Technical assistance to analyze methods measuring job creation, propose recommendations to improve the measurement of job creation and job quality, and provide capacity building for implementing recommendations.


Project: Financial Inclusion and Entrepreneurship Scaling ProjectThe Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase access to financial services, promote entrepreneurship and capabilities of MS MEs in Malawi including addressing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) implications.

Country: Malawi

Development Objective: Expanded access to financial services and improved entrepreneurship and capabilities of micro, small, and medium enterprises.

Jobs MDTF Support: Measurement of direct and indirect jobs and corresponding training materials for jobs impact assessment in business plans.


Project: Rural Economy Development ProjectProject Development Objective is to improve the sources of livelihood for local populations in GBAO and Khatlon through tourism and agribusiness.

Country: Tajikistan

Development Objective: Improved sources of livelihood through tourism and agribusiness development.

Jobs MDTF Support: Analysis of job opportunities in agribusiness and tourism value chains and design of the Rural Economy Development Project that improves the livelihoods of the local population.

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Environment & Natural Resources

Project: Bangladesh Environmental Sustainability and Transformation ProjectTo strengthen the capacity of the Government of Bangladesh in environmental management and to pilot new financing mechanisms to prom ote green investments in targeted sectors.

Country: Bangladesh

Development Objective: Improved capacity in environmental management and financing mechanisms to promote green investments.

Jobs MDTF Support: Scale up clean production technologies that can lessen Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) problems and transform informal jobs to formal jobs.

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Project: Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism ProjectThe Project Development Objective is to improve protected areas management, and to promote ecotourism opportunities and non-timber f orest product value chains in the Cardamom Mountains-Tonle Sap landscape.

Country: Cambodia

Development Objective: Improved protected areas management and economic opportunities in ecotourism and non-timber forest product value chains

Jobs MDTF Support: Identification of policy reforms to create green jobs in conservation-compatible value chains and potential investments to support job generation in the ecotourism sector.

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Social Protection & Jobs

Project: Agricultural Employment Support for Refugees and Turkish Citizens through Enhanced Market LinkagesTo improve the conditions for formal agricultural employment opportunities in selected host communities.

Country: Turkey

Development Objective: Better conditions for agricultural employment for refugees in host communities.

Jobs MDTF Support: Identification of supply-side and demand-side barriers to formal employment for refugees and development of an algorithm matching worker to jobs.

Urban, Land and Resilience 

Project: Upper Egypt Local Development PforRThe project development objective is to improve the business environment for private sector development and strengthen local governm ent capacity for quality infrastructure and service delivery in select governorates in Upper Egypt.

Country: Egypt

Development Objective: Better business environment and stronger local government capacity for infrastructure and service delivery.

Jobs MDTF Support: Mapping jobs across governorates and districts, assessment of potential causes of weak economic agglomeration, and advice economic productivity enhancement.


Project: Albania Gender Equality in Access to Economic Opportunities DPF
The Program Development Objectives are to support the Government of Albania’s efforts to enhance the policy framework for gender equ ality in access to economic opportunities, with a focus on (i) improving women’s access to assets; (ii) leveling the playing field t o enhance labor market opportunities for women; and (iii) strengthening institutional arrangements for gender-informed policy making .

Country: Albania

Development Objective: More economic opportunities for women through improved access to assets, labor market opportunities, and institutional capacity for gender-informed policies.

Jobs MDTF Support: Identification of best practices to address inclusion and equity through policy lending, and guidance on replication of similar operations in other countries.