#13 Africa’s Manufacturing Puzzle: Evidence from Tanzanian and Ethiopian Firms

Photo credit: Rob Beechey / World Bank   Authors: Xinshen Diaoa, Mia Ellisb, Margaret McMillanc, and Dani Rodrikd Some economists have called into question the primacy of manufacturing. For example, Gollin (2018) questions whether there is anything special about manufacturing and asks whether economists’ emphasis on manufacturing as a path to development reflects our lack…

food seller

#12 Is Self-Employment in Developing Countries a Steppingstone to Better Jobs? New Evidence from Panel Surveys

Photo credit: Scott Wallace / World Bank   Authors: Kevin Donovan, Will Jianyu Lu, and Todd Schoellman Economic development requires the reallocation of workers to more productive occupations, sectors, and regions. As such, evidence on labor market dynamics is critical for understanding whether labor markets are enabling the necessary movements of workers. In our recent…